pin-up, make-over model & boudoir photography
Welcome to our Fabulous Pin-Up Magazine - BOMBSHELL!
To SUBMIT please read the instructions carefully below
NEW - first check out our paid guaranteed features at the bottom of the page!!!!
How to Submit
We love images that are classical Hollywood glamour, cheesecake, pin-up or vintage fetish - with authentic or good reproduction vintage clothing or lingerie and professional vintage hair and make-up to complete the look. Good skin-editing and post work is essential as we will primarily accept submissions based on quality photography. Some nudity is accepted as long as it is tasteful and true to a vintage style. We don't run themes - so bring on the variety!
We welcome submissions from photographers, female models, make-up artists and designers under the following guidelines:
1. Please submit no more than 15 images - they need to be jpegs, no more than 15MB each in size, high resolution, 300dpi and at least 2500px on the longest side. with no logo. Use ONLY Dropbox or WeTransfer NOT email attachments or GoogleDrive. Email to Images can be in colour or black & white and MUST BE UNPUBLISHED BOTH ONLINE AND IN PRINT. IF YOU SHARE YOUR IMAGES PRIOR TO PUBLICATION THEN YOUR CONTENT WILL BE PULLED. PLEASE do not submit lo-res images or PDF composites. We need to see your images in the highest resolution to assess their quality for print. Low resolution images simply re-sized will not be accepted - the quality is too poor. When you submit please include all credits in the first instance. Please do NOT submit hundreds of images and ask us to 'take our pick' - we simply don't have the time! As a guide, a maximum of 15 images is preferred. Also please do not submit old images from your portfolio - we like new sets! If you are a model please only submit images from one set with one photographer - not a collection of your faves from different shoots. Do not submit variations of your images with different filters applied - this includes black & white and colour versions - YOU submit your favourite versions!
We will inform you of our decision within 1 week and if successful we will email you asking for credits and a signed release. If you are NOT the copyright holder (ie the photographer) then you must get permission from them before submitting. We will not accept submissions without signed permission from the photographer.
2. How many of your images are placed depends on the quality and variety of your submission. Models, photographers and designers can submit but we will need the photographers permission. We need 1-15 images and most of them should be in the portrait or vertical format. PLEASE do not submit more than 2 landscape or horizontal images. We also accept single image submissions for our 'SOLO' section - these must be in a vertical or 'portrait' format.
1. Are your images in high resolution with no watermark?
2. Have you submitted 1-15 of your BEST images and no more?
3. Have you included full credits?
Release Dates & Deadlines
15th of every month with the deadline being 5 days before on the 10th
If your images are more alternative/fashion or modern then do submit to Femme Rebelle Magazine instead.
As a print-on-demand magazine we do not give away print or digital copies (but tear sheets- yes!), if this is unacceptable then do think before you submit. Along with most print on demand magazines the price per issue is a lot higher as we don't order or print in bulk - typically the cost for a digital issue is about £18 and a print issue about £38. The magazine runs to about 90-130 pages each issue (most print-on-demand magazines run to 40-60 pages) with no adverts therefore we think it is exceptional value for a glossy magazine of this type!
I have made a simple list below of the sorts of images we prefer:
Variety in outfits/looks
Attention to authentic vintage styling/make-up/hair
good editing with professional looking skin work
retro backgrounds
cheesecake/cheeky nudity/light fetish
close-ups of body parts
poor low light work / grainy images/out-of-focus
bad skin editing (using automated software)
cheap looking mis-matched outfits
amateur hair and make-up
Cover images are chosen from the best submissions - we generally run split covers where we have 2-8 different covers to choose from - this way we feel we can give unknown (but exceptional) photographers and models a chance to grace the cover! Our criteria for a cover is VERY specific, we prefer clear images that are either half body or face and shoulders, with EXCEPTIONAL post processing, imperfect skin editing is magnified on the cover so will be rejected. We love bright, dramatic images that are very eye-catching with professional vintage hair and make-up. Studio shot images are preferable to location shots as the background is relatively uncluttered.
It is not necessary to pay to submit - each image set is assessed on its own merit but I do know that sometimes you all love a guaranteed option too! See the payment options below - payment to be made at the time of submission - include a little note when you do this so I know who to relate the payment to!
If you would like a guaranteed cover then we charge £75 for this - when you submit in the usual way send your £75 by PayPal to (NOTE this is £ not dollars or Euros) - if we deem your image set not quite right for this option then this will be immediately refunded.
If you would like a guaranteed 2 page spread (usually this is 4 images) then we charge £25 for this - when you submit in the usual way send your £25 by PayPal to (NOTE this is £ not dollars or Euros) - if we deem your image set not quite right for this option then this will be immediately refunded.
If you would like a guaranteed 4 page spread (usually this is 6 images) then we charge £35 for this - when you submit in the usual way send your £35 by PayPal to (NOTE this is £ not dollars or Euros) - if we deem your image set not quite right for this option then this will be immediately refunded.
If you would like a guaranteed 6 page spread (usually this is 7-8 images) then we charge £55 for this - when you submit in the usual way send your £55 by PayPal to (NOTE this is £ not dollars or Euros) - if we deem your image set not quite right for this option then this will be immediately refunded.
If you would like a guaranteed social media post (usually this is a share of your header or title pages from your particular pages in the magazine) then we charge £15 for this - when you submit in the usual way send your £15 by PayPal to (NOTE this is £ not dollars or Euros) - if we deem your image set not quite right for this option then this will be immediately refunded.